
Video Tutorials

CleanImport Video: Delete Duplicates Upon File Import

Instructional Video: CleanImport Settings

Instructional Video: CleanCRM/ClreanImport Merge Rules Training


How to Use CleanImport

CleanImport is a CSV-file deduping and import tool embedded in Oracle CRM On Demand. CleanImport is used to cleanse and import Accounts, Contacts, and Leads to achieve high data quality in your CRM system.

CleanImport can be launched from your Oracle CRM On Demand Admin homepage or My Setup page.

To use CleanImport, first select the type of records you wish to import (Accounts, Contacts, or Leads). It is best to import Accounts first, followed by Contacts then Leads.


Then, click Settings to open a menu and define your search and matching settings.


Here, you can decide upon your desired settings:

  • Select the CSV to import by clicking the Browse for CSV button. Choose a CSV file of records and click Open. After the file is uploaded, map your CSV fields to the CRM fields. These are the fields that your CSV data will be imported into. CleanImport will suggest Most Likely Matches if possible. To skip a field, select Do Not Import.


  • Select the CRM records to compare your import list against for de-duping. You can choose to compare against a list in the CRM, a list of CRM record IDs in a CSV, or no records at all.


  • Choose a Merge Rule for the Master record in a duplicate set. The Merge Rule defines how a Master record is determined.


  • Choose match settings to identify duplicates. Each data field can be custom defined to match your records using exact, fuzzy, or starts with matching on any combination of data fields. Clicking Advanced will allow you to choose settings for blank data and words to ignore.


  • Choose the fields to display onscreen. You can add, remove, and rearrange any fields that exist in Oracle CRM On Demand including custom fields.


  • Concatenate fields to keep values from fields across each record in your duplicate set. To concatenate the data for a field, check off the desired field and select a separator.


Once your settings have been chosen, click Find Duplicates and CleanImport will identify your duplicates within the CSV records for import and any CRM records you have chosen to compare.

Your matching results are organized into three categories:

  • Duplicates Requiring Review – Duplicate records with conflicting data in the displayed fields.
  • Duplicates Not Requiring Review – Duplicate records without conflicting data in the displayed fields.
  • Unique CSV Records – Unmatched or non-duplicate CSV records.


Click the arrow to expand the grids. Duplicate sets are grouped and numbered in the grids. The Final record represents the resulting record from merging the duplicate set.

You can easily review your duplicate sets before merging:

  • Remove a record from a duplicate set by using the Remove link.
  • Change the master record of the duplicate set by reselecting the Master check box (CRM records only). The master record is the surviving record that will be retained and updated after merging the duplicate set.
  • Choose final record data by selecting check boxes in  highlighted  fields representing conflicting data in a duplicate set. You can also manually edit the final record by clicking in the final record data fields and typing your changes.


When you are satisfied with duplicate identification and have reviewed your data, you can import your data from the three grids in the following ways:

  • One-by-one by hovering over the Final record arrow and selecting Import Set.
  • Page-by-page by clicking Import Current Page in the category grid title bar.
  • All Records by clicking Import All in the category grid title bar.


When you import records from a duplicate set with only CSV records, one new record will be created in Oracle CRM On Demand per set with final record field values. When you import records from the Unique CSV Records, one new record will be created per listing in this grid.

When you import records from a duplicate sets that contain CRM records, the master CRM record will be updated with the final record field values and a new record will not be created. If more than one CRM record exists in the duplicate set, only the master record will be updated; CRM duplicates will not be removed from Oracle CRM On Demand.

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