End-User/Sales Rep
The CleanData tool offers the following elements for the Sales Representative’s dashboard:
- CleanData Status: A graphical representation of their (the logged-in Sales Representative) resolved duplicate sets, in percentage as well as exact numbers
- Merged Duplicate Sets: A graph displaying the total number of duplicate sets merged, shown under the respective roles (Admin, Sub-admin, Manager, End-user, Bot) who performed the merge
- Duplicate Sets table: A complete list of the total duplicate sets assigned to the logged-in Sales Rep, in table form
Sales Rep Dashboard
From the dashboard, Sales Representatives can perform the following actions:
- Merging of duplicate sets
- Review the merged duplicate sets
- Review duplicates by record
- Lock duplicate record
- Assign duplicate sets for admin review
How to’s:
Merging duplicate sets in the duplicates table
- On the Dashboard, locate and click on a duplicate record on the “Duplicate Sets” table.
- The “Duplicate Grid” will be displayed: this is the table of records that are duplicates of the specific record selected.
- The Primary record will be automatically selected by the application, but if needed, it can be manually changed and an alternate, preferred record, set as the Primary instead. The selected Primary record will be retained once the merge is performed.
- Preferable field values need to be selected to be retained after the merge.
- Clicking on the Merge button will process the merge of the duplicates of this record.
Duplicate Grid window
Reviewing merged duplicate sets
- On the Dashboard, click on the “SEE ALL” button inside the “Merged Duplicate Sets” widget.
- The “Merged Duplicate Sets” table will be displayed.
- Clicking on any one of the merged records will open the merge history, record details window to allow review of the merged records.
- Upon review, the merge can be allowed to proceed or be undone.
Merged duplicate sets table
Merged history table
Reviewing duplicates by record
- From the main navigation above the Dashboard, click on the “Accounts” or “Leads” options to get to the respective object areas.
- The table for each object will appear accordingly.
- Clicking on any record will open its own page with all the existing information and an ActivePrime CleanData mini table with all the duplicates identified for the record.
- Selection of primary and information to be kept (for unlocked fields) will be available and upon completing the edits, clicking merge will allow for merging the duplicate sets for this record.
Duplicate by record cleanup
Sending duplicate records for Admin review
- Step 1 goes here
- Step 2 goes here
Managers have access to the following information on their dashboard:
- CleanData Status: A graphical representation of their team’s resolved duplicate sets, in percentage as well as exact numbers
- Duplicate sets to be reviewed: A graph displaying the total number of duplicate sets merged, by object
- Merged Duplicate Sets: A graph displaying the total number of duplicate sets merged, shown under the respective roles (Admin, Sub-admin, Manager, End-user, Bot) who performed the merge
- Team Tasks: A chart displaying the number of tasks by team, focusing on the completed.
- Users With Most Resolved Duplicate Sets: A display of their team members with the highest percentage and/or points for completed data cleanse.
- Users With Least Resolved Duplicate Sets: A display of their team members with the lowest percentage and/or points for completed data cleanse, or highest rate of incomplete work.
Manager Dashboard
From the dashboard, Managers can perform the following actions:
- Review of duplicate sets in need of review
- Review of merged duplicate sets
- Merging of duplicate sets
- Change the date range of the data being shown on the dashboard
- View all duplicate sets assigned to their team members
How To’s:
Reviewing assigned duplicate sets
- On the Dashboard, click on the “SEE ALL” button inside the “Duplicate sets to be reviewed” widget.
- The “Duplicate sets to be reviewed” table will be displayed.
- Clicking on any one of the merged records will open the merge history, record details window to allow review of the merged records.
- Under the record details, specific field values can be selected to be retained after the merge.
- Upon review, the merge can be allowed to proceed or be undone.
- Duplicate sets can be assigned to Admin for further review. (for confirmation)
- Specific duplicate records can be locked so they are not further changed/merged. (for confirmation)
Duplicate Grid window
Reviewing merged duplicate sets
- On the Dashboard, click on the “SEE ALL” button inside the “Merged Duplicate Sets” widget.
- The “Merged Duplicate Sets” table will be displayed.
- Clicking on any one of the merged records will open the merge history, record details window to allow review of the merged records.
- Upon review, the merge can be allowed to proceed or be undone.
Merged duplicate sets table
View a team member's assigned duplicate set (for confirmation)
Available on the “Users With Most Resolved Duplicate Sets” & “Users With Least Resolved Duplicate Sets” widgets.
- On the Dashboard, click on the team member's name inside either the “Users With Most Resolved Duplicate Sets” or “Users With Least Resolved Duplicate Sets” widget.
- The duplicate sets table containing all duplicate sets assigned to the selected team member will be displayed.
Change the date range of the dashboard
- On the Dashboard, above the widgets, there is a calendar icon with a set of dates displayed. These are the dates that the widgets are displaying data for. Click on the calendar icon to open the option to change the dates.
- Select the desired Start and End dates and click OK.
- The data shown in the dashboard tiles will be updated based on the selected date range.
Admin and Sub-admin users have similar available functionalities. Admins & Sub-admins have access to the following information on their dashboard:
- Duplicates by Object: A chart displaying the total number of duplicates by object and within that, by Match scenario
- Duplicates by Sales Rep: A chart displaying the total number of duplicates resolved by the Sales representative and within that, by record type
- Team Tasks: A chart displaying the number of tasks by the team, focusing on the completed.
- CleanData Status: A graphical representation of their team’s resolved duplicate sets, in percentage as well as exact numbers
- Duplicate Sets Trend: A graphical representation of their team’s trends on resolved vs unresolved duplicate sets over a period of time
- Users With Most Resolved Duplicate Sets: A display of their team members with the highest number of resolved duplicates
- Users With Least Resolved Duplicate Sets: A display of their team members with the lowest number of resolved duplicates
- Merged Duplicate Sets: A graph displaying the total number of duplicate sets merged, shown under the respective roles (Admin, Sub-admin, Manager, End-user, Bot) who performed the merge
- Duplicate sets to be reviewed: A graph displaying the total number of duplicate sets merged, by object
- Auto-merges to be reviewed: A graph displaying the number of auto-merged duplicate sets, by object
- Excluded records to be reviewed: A graph displaying the number of duplicate sets excluded from merging, by object
From the dashboard, Admins & Sub-admins can perform the following actions:
- Review of duplicate sets in need of review
- Review of merged duplicate sets
- Merging of duplicate sets
- View all duplicate sets assigned to their teams as well as specific team members
- Review of all permanently excluded records and the option to confirm excluding or block from excluding any record
- Search for specific duplicate sets
- Change the date range of the data being shown on the dashboard
Below is a chart representing the features accessible to admin/sub-admin users and where they can be found:
Functionality mapping for admin/sub-admin role
Reviewing assigned duplicate sets
- On the Dashboard, click on the SEE ALL button inside the “Duplicate sets to be reviewed” widget.
- The “Duplicate sets to be reviewed” table will be displayed.
- Clicking on any one of the merged records will open the merge history, record details window to allow review of the merged records.
- Under the record details, specific field values can be selected to be retained after the merge.
- Upon review, the merge can be allowed to proceed or be undone.
- Specific duplicate records can be locked so they are not further changed/merged.
- If locked, specific duplicate records can be unlocked so they can be further changed/merged.
- Specific duplicate sets can be removed/excluded from the table, effectively being marked as not duplicates.
Duplicate sets to be reviewed table
Excluding duplicate sets from merges
- On the Duplicate sets to be reviewed table, select any duplicate set to be removed by checking the checkbox on the left of each record.
- Once all desired records are selected, click on the “REMOVE SELECTED” button, now visible on the top right of the table.
- A pop-up message will appear confirming the removal. Click on the “CONFIRM” button to complete the process.
Pop-up confirmation for excluding a record from the duplicate table
Reviewing merged duplicate sets
- On the Dashboard, click on the “SEE ALL” button inside the “Merged Duplicate Sets” widget.
- The “Merged Duplicate Sets” table will be displayed.
- Clicking on any one of the merged records will open the merge history, record details window to allow review of the merged records.
- Upon review, the merge can be allowed to proceed or be undone.
Merged duplicate sets table
View a team member's assigned duplicate set
Available on the “Users With Most Resolved Duplicate Sets” & “Users With Least Resolved Duplicate Sets” widgets.
- On the Dashboard, click on the Team Performance widget.
- The Team Performance dashboard will be displayed, with its own set of widgets.
- Click on the team member's name inside either the “Users With Most Resolved Duplicate Sets” or “Users With Least Resolved Duplicate Sets” widget.
- The duplicate sets table containing all duplicate sets assigned to the selected team member will be displayed.
Review excluded records
- On the dashboard, click on the “SEE ALL” button in the “Excluded records to be reviewed tile.
- The “Sets with excluded records to be reviewed” table will be displayed. Click the record that needs to be excluded.
- The “Excluded Records” window will be displayed. From this window, the user can perform the following:
- Confirm the record's exclusion. This will effectively set the record as a legitimate entry on the system.
- Keep the record as duplicate. This will revert the record's status as a duplicate and will be merged with the primary record when merging is performed.
Sets with excluded records table
Excluded records window overlay
Pop-up confirmation for excluding a record as a duplicate
Pop-up confirmation for re-including a record as a duplicate